1.TikTok BOOM!

TikTok started as a random quarantine app and today is the social media app with the highest engagement rate!It will continue to thrive through 2022! TikTokers are becoming a “must” for influencer marketing campaigns that target younger audiences, as long as your brief takes advantage of the challenges, the trending songs & tiktok aesthetics in general.

2.Global Campaigns

 Last year, some brands tried influencer marketing as a way to enter new markets and it worked. In 2022 more and more brands will test this marketing channel for expansion reasons. Consider finding influencers in any country you ship your products or services and global expansion may no longer be a myth.

3.Influencers Collab

 A huge trend will be the collaboration between Influencers. Now that Instagram has given the opportunity to collaborate in more ways than the IG Live, Influencers will cooperate more. Influencers, also, find this trend quite enjoyable, because most of them can have great time with each other.


Influencers and consumers have started to analyse branded messages and campaigns to make sure that everyone is represented. During the next year companies should seriously consider integrate diverse Influencers (size, colour, sexual preferences etc.). 38% of the consumers are more likely to trust brands that cast diverse people in their Ads. (*source Adobe)


 An important trend for 2022 is the trust brands need to build with their audience. Consumers are more likely to shop and engage with a brand that makes an impact. We have already seen it in 2021 that CSR campaigns that concern environmental or ethical issues of our society have increased in numbers. This will be a trend for 2022 as well.

6.Media Push Ads

Paid Advertising will be the key for broader Reach during this year. Brands will start thinking more about paying to amplify the impressions and the reach of the content created by the Influencers.

7.More targeted

During 2022 Influencers will be more specialized. As the Influencer marketing field continues to grow, the need for more specialized opinions will become a need, not only for the brands but also for the audience. Also, campaigns for more targeted audiences bring better results on lower costs.


Authenticity and creativity will be very important during 2022. We will see more authentic, genuine content that showcases that the influencer is really excited about a brand and its products and doesn’t look polished but looks real. The rise of TikTok boosts, also, this trend. Brands should be careful in order to choose Influencers that truly match their culture & aesthetics, otherwise the result will be pretentious, and followers will know.

9.Long-Term Partnerships

In 2022, the number of long term partnerships will be increasing, in contrary to the one-off projects. It takes quite some time for the audience to turn into customers. Long-term partnerships have also the advantage that you can easily book your “ideal” influencer for a longer period of time and stop worrying about competition issues.

10.Political and Social

The era when the influencers posted about lifestyle and created magazine-inspired content is not over, but more & more influencers nowadays post about social and political issues. Metoo was just one of them, but we expect influencers to take advantage of their influence and try to raise consciousness of various subjects.